Books to read in the fall!

Hey readers! It’s that time of year again… the best time of year actually – fall! I love the crisp, cool air, leaving my windows open, wearing a comfy sweater, sipping hot coffee or tea, and of course, getting lost in a good book. The colder weather, to me, is always the best time for reading. Here are some of my recommendations for you, which are some of my favourite, cozy reads. I’ve broken them down by genre. Let me know if you read any! Enjoy!

Young Adult

Okay – is anyone going to be surprised here? SERPENT & DOVE by Shelby Mahurin is hands down one of my top recommendations for this fall! Especially in October! Witches, France, enemies to lovers romance, history, religion – it’s all there! I devoured this book in a few days because I just could not stop reading. It gives alllll the witchy vibes, and if that’s what you are looking for, definitely pick this one up! The sequel, BLOOD & HONEY, is now out as well! It is a fantastic sequel to a story that I love, and I can’t wait for book 3 to come out!

Next up, is the TRULY DEVIOUS trilogy by Maureen Johnson. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that I have been RAVING about this trilogy for the last two years. This book follows a young girl named Stevie Bell, who wants to be a detective so badly, and wants more than anything, to solve the mysterious crime that happened at Ellingham Academy – a famous private school in Vermont, many years ago. There are hints of Agatha Christie/Sherlock Holmes throughout this book – so if you are a mystery fan and love the YA genre, this series is a MUST! Plus, it takes place in a super cool academy – perfect, fall atmosphere!

Another fantastic murder mystery for you -> A GOOD GIRL’S GUIDE TO MURDER by Holly Jackson! This is a fantastically done murder mystery! Perfect for fans of the Serial podcast, Pretty Little Liars, or Veronica Mars. The protagonist, Pip, is curious, funny, and VERY determined to solve a murder in her city that nobody else seems to get any evidence on. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, and can’t wait to get into book 2! The second book comes out in North America in the Spring of 2021, but is out in the UK now!

Another quick recommendation for any Pretty Little Liars fans out there – ONE OF US IS LYING by Karen M. McManus! This was a total binge read for me! I loved being back in high school, reading about kids that have all these weird secrets. It’s the perfect escape. And it’s a bit spooky! And the mystery will lead you into all sorts of directions!


Now, this is a genre I haven’t read TOO much of yet, (love rom-com movies though), so I don’t have a ton of recommendations in this genre. BUT, one I would absolutely recommend is, A CITY BAKER’S GUIDE TO COUNTRY LIVING by Louise Miller! This book is the epitome of cozy! It’s got an endearing main character, sweet side characters, love, BAKING?!?!, and just all around coziness! This book brought me so much joy while reading it, and yes, I officially want to move out into the country and bake pies for a living thanks to this book.

Another fun, sweet rom-com I would recommend is WAITING FOR TOM HANKS by Kerry Winfrey! Any You’ve Got Mail fans out there? Sleepless in Seattle? This book is perfect for fans of those movies. It’s cheesy, cute, funny, and just such an endearing and fun book. I listened to this one on audio thanks to Scribd, and just completely fell in love! This book made me want my life to be a cute rom com! I want a meet cute!!!!!!


Ohhhh, boy! One of my favourite genres EVER! I feel that lately, this genre has become over saturated with a lot of similar plot points and characters, so for me, it’s been hard to fully LOVE a thriller. But, there are definitely a couple I would recommend that you MUST read this fall! First one being the new Wendy Walker book, DON’T LOOK FOR ME! This book is a perfectly done thriller. It’s a story about a mother who suddenly disappears – did she disappear? Or did she WANT to disappear? Her car is found near a motel, and a note was left… so what’s really going on? The novel goes through the perspective of the mother, and also her daughter, who tries desperately to find her and repair their family. This book was eerie, creepy, and a book I would say is an “hold on to the edge of your seat” type of thriller! I can’t rave about it enough. I’ll be going LIVE with the author on my Instagram on September 23rd 2020 at 7:00pm EST! Be sure to tune in!

Next up – THE BUTTERFLY GARDEN by Dot Hutchison! Oh. My. God. That’s really all I can say about this book. This book creeped me out SO MUCH. A man capturing young girls and trying to turn them into butterflies?!?! GROSS. But eerie. And thrilling. I loved it. I read this book within 24 hours because I just could not put it down. If you like crime fiction/thrillers – add this to your list! If you read it at night, make sure your doors are locked…and maybe have a light turned on…

Another thriller that I read recently and loved was MY LOVELY WIFE by Samantha Downing. This book is a total, binge-worthy type of book! It follows a couple that have very…strange & alarming extra-circular activities. We read from the perspective of the husband, and honestly, the writing in this book is SO good, that it gave me chills while reading.


This is a genre that I feel is often overlooked by adults. Just because we are “adults”, doesn’t mean we should stop reading amazing, imaginative stories in this genre that are filled with wonder & curiosity! One of my FAVOURITE middle grade books is the NEVERMOOR series by Jessica Townsend! This book is FILLED with whimsical magic, wonderful storytelling, outrageous and unique characters, and an equally unique plot! The entire time I was reading this book it felt like I was propelled into the world in real life, and I never wanted to leave. If you want a little magic in your life, honestly, read this book. The third book in the series comes out in October!

So! Do you see any favourites here? Or any that you’ll be putting on your fall TBR? I’d love to know! If you’d like to get any of these books – I have added them to my Amazon Affiliate link! Just click here! You will not be paying extra for these, but using my link helps support my blog!

Hope you enjoy these recommendations!

Yours bookishly,


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2 thoughts on “Books to read in the fall!

  1. I must get on with the butterfly garden, been on my TBR for ages! 🤭 fantastic selection of books there! Great post 😊👍🏻


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